I have a secret. It’s a secret little something that I do when I’m tired or overwhelmed or just need a boost to keep me “Sparkles & Glimmers: seeking magic”
Category: Flora & Fauna
Vintage Blooms
We have a potted echinopsis cactus in our garden that is almost as old as we are. This year it has excelled itself – last night 13 flowers opened simultaneously, to create this splendid spectacle.
Garden Wonders
The sun caught this bracken fungus growing on an ash tree at the bottom of our garden this morning, showing us that magic and wonder are never far away.
Early Spring
My soul responds to the gentle greening of the world around me, and I find myself reaching for my pens and paints while Mother Earth stirs and begins to send forth her colourful shoots and blooms.
Crickets in the Mint
As you may already know, England is in the midst of a hot, dry summer. Our lawn is crispy but our patio plants are thriving “Crickets in the Mint”
Spring on the Wing
We couldn’t resist taking advantage of the beautiful weather and headed back to the Canvey Wick nature reserve where we saw and heard the nightingales “Spring on the Wing”
Raiders of the Lost Carp
He sits in the tree at the bottom of the garden like an angel on top of a Christmas tree, right at the top, watching. “Raiders of the Lost Carp”
Autumn on Wallasea
Sometimes we don’t have to wander far to find lovely and unusual landscapes. We have been watching the the transformation of Wallasea Island for the “Autumn on Wallasea”
Vanessa atalanta
Summer is drawing to a close so we won’t be seeing many more of these little beauties this year, but we’ve found this Red Admiral “Vanessa atalanta”
Dragonfly Drop-in
We have a new friend who likes to spend his afternoons hunting small flies and basking in our garden. We’ve been enjoying a few days of “Dragonfly Drop-in”