We spotted another labyrinth from the comforts of our living room the other day, this one a tasty invention featured on the BBC technology show “A Taste-full Labyrinth”
Labyrinth Spotting
Sometimes it’s nice to stay home on summer Sundays and let the world to come to us…. perhaps not surprisingly, even the labyrinth came to us as “Labyrinth Spotting”
Day is Done
While I was teaching last night, Jeff went to watch the day sink into night….
Evening Glow
We have summer! Real summer! It’s rare that we get temperatures warm enough to qualify for that designation. It’s tempting to complain about being too “Evening Glow”
Bad things are happening in our world, and quite frankly it is writing my Morning Pages that is keeping me upright and semi-functional as I “Invocation”
Garden Nuts
We’ve been watching these little fellas grow outside our kitchen window. It won’t be long before the squirrels find them and make off with their “Garden Nuts”
A Breath of Sunday
Sunday morning sunshine. Coffee. Friendship. Knitting. Sometimes it’s the little things that make the world feel right again, so I can take a breath.
Magic from My Happy Place
I’m taking a perverse pride in the fact that I have burned out the motor on my old food processor. I’ve hated the thing from “Magic from My Happy Place”
New Steps
I’m back! In all senses of the word. I’m back from my travels, back to walking, back to writing. And starting to climb back from “New Steps”
A Quandary
I was so excited to return to Walking in the World. My winter hibernation was winding down and I was looking forward to blogging my “A Quandary”