This was the view out the window of the plane as we flew out of Sweden on Sunday evening – an ulta-bright double rainbow, a symbol of promise and love. Thanks, Sweden, for a wonderful week of labyrinths, friendship, and culture!
Oh the best-laid plans… I put a small gallery of photos from the National Day celebration into yesterday’s post, but it didn’t appear in the email version, so if you get my posts in your inbox, you might want to click HERE to see the photos of the museum and its lovely recreation of a traditional Swedish celebration.
Meanwhile, we are busy getting ready to head north for this year’s Scotland tours. I will continue to blog (hopefully daily), but am going to scale back just a bit, simply posting a daily photo or two along with a few accompanying words. For a more detailed account of the places we go and the things we see, you can find my posts from last year’s tours HERE.
My walk today will be a short one, as it is windy and not-too-nice outside, and I have a huge stack of work waiting on my desk.