Urban Wandering

There is nothing like a bit of wandering to help you get the measure of a place. I have been wandering around London whenever possible for the past 15 years, a full 25% of my life. While London is only 35 or 40 miles from Thundersley, it feels like a world away, and coming into the city is always a treat. I have my favourite haunts, like Covent Garden.

I prefer wandering in the neighbourhoods and shopping in smaller shops, but It is always interesting to dash through places like Harrod’s to be awed by the grandiosity and sense of self-importance.

Food has been a major theme this weekend, and it felt like a good percentage of our 25,000+ steps were in pursuit of clean, gluten free food that I could be certain was safe for me to eat. Having eaten easily and well in many cities and many countries, I was astonished to find gluten-free eating so difficult in London. In the end we prevailed, and found wonderful food, chefs, and wait staff, but I also found myself reduced to tears several times at several places. I’m sensing that it’s time for me to step up my writing about coeliac travel, something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while.