There Be Dragons!

I’ve always believed that a garden is worthwhile primarily for the magic it harbours. Enjoying a cup of tea in the sunshine this week, admiring our garden’s sudden growth, I caught sight of a clan of dragons frolicking in my ferns. Only this one was willing to pose for the  camera:


Spring dragons frolic
among fern fronds unfurling
mystical magic!

? ? ?

Please visit the Friday rendezvous of the
haiku my heart community at recuerda mi corazon

14 Replies to “There Be Dragons!”

  1. We had the most beautiful dragonfly in our garden last week and of course the camera was in the house!!! I will have to start carrying it with me again. Your words are “magic!” Thank you! Wishing you well! Cathy

  2. I’m not sure what ‘dragons’ are, but it looks like the same plants that I have in my garden (in Dutch: ‘varens’) I love how they curl out their leaves! The nice weather is gone for the moment, but I hope you have sunshine again real soon – preferably blowing in from the west… ’cause that would mean it comes my way too 😉

  3. this haiku wakes the childlike part of me……..the one that believes in magical gardens and fairies…….love it:)

  4. Ferns are lovely as they open to us….i have many in my garden…..well-written haiku

  5. Oh there are such magical wild things just outside that conservatory door of yours… I love seeing him, does he miss me?

  6. I love a good splurge of green. That’s always magical, and your photography is as well. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh, magical in every sense. I had to enlarge the photo to see the “dragon” and was delighted to see that it was there. Unfurling fronds as dragons. Love!

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