Ancient Ipswich


We had an appointment in Ipswich this morning which gave us the chance to have lunch and explore the old town for a bit. Located on the estuary of the River Orwell, Ipswich is one of the oldest towns in England, dating back until at least Roman times. In the hour or so that we had in town, we barely scratched the surface of its rich history. This tile of St George is on the wall of what is now the Conservative Club, across from the church that now houses the tourist information office.

During the Middle Ages, the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Grace made Ipswich a popular pilgrimage destination, though the statue disappeared during the Reformation. Chaucer wrote about the merchants of Ipswich in Canterbury Tales. Clearly this is a place I want to know more about!

I was intrigued by the name of this street near the center of town, and want to know how it got its name:

Silent Street

Sounds like my kind of street!