I never intended for Ariadne to stay away so long! Those of us who follow the labyrinth’s path know how meandering happens. You commit to the path, and then you follow it. Ariadne’s Thread has never been far from my thoughts, but returning took longer than I expected. Those of you follow my Walking in the World will already know that my detour was unexpectedly rich, as adventures tend to be. While I was busy writing about my walking, my labyrinth work has been spiraling ever deeper, and somehow closer to what I consider my authentic voice, or at least my next level of articulation. Sometimes all you can do is wait for a process to play itself out.
I stood in the pouring rain last weekend and watched the Minotaur dance into the Saffron Walden turf maze, guided by the Spirit of the Labyrinth and accompanied by a host of glow-stick bedecked children. My own spirit soared as I watched these archetypal figures enact a re-imagining of the old story, and I knew the time was right. Ariadne is back; I am back!
I have a game plan, at least of sorts. I know that some of you are primarily interested in my labyrinth work, so those posts will go here, along with occasional articles and labyrinth announcements, while Walking in the World will continue to showcase my more eclectic interests and wanderings, here in England and abroad. I have set it up for each blog to have its own email announcements, and of course I hope you’ll follow me on both sites!
Welcome back! Looking forward to meandering with you.
Thanks, Jill! It feels good to have that time-is-right feeling at last.
I subscribed now to both. Thank you for giving me a look in a different reality. Kent
I knew you were never really away but it is good to see your back in this form. I am going to stay connected to Ariadne’s Thread while I pick up my own conversations with Ariadne and my questions to her. Thanks, Kimberly,