Things started to change for me several months ago, in the early weeks of this year when I listened hard for guidance in choosing a word for my year, and the word that came to me was ROAR! A challenge for this hermit, to be sure. So off I went to London to march in the Pussy Hat Protest on the 15th of January, and that was really the beginning of a new way of being in this world, and a new way of looking at my skills and the statements I want and need my life to make. I learned about craftivism and found community amongst other people who use their stitches to change the world, and I began to take myself more seriously and consider my handwork with deeper respect.
This week I was accepted into the UDHR Quilt Project, a collaborative craftivism project with 120 artists from around the world. I committed to make a quilt block to illustrate Article 23 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was first drafted in 1948. Seventy years on, there are still massive failures in securing these right for far too many people around the world. I am finding that focusing on the words of Article 23, about our rights to work, is an emotional experience, and I am feeling very privileged to be invited to immerse myself in the words and intentions of this important document. I feel challenged as an artist, but determined to create an artpiece that makes a meaningful statement.
Am I stitching with Ariadne’s Thread? Yes, I definitely think so. I am quite convinced that my prayerful labyrinth walking requires me to take personal action toward creating the peace I am praying for. Ariadne did not stand at the entrance and wring her hands in despair as Theseus went in search of the hungry Minotaur. She took action; she sought advice from the Master Builder, offered Theseus her thread, and the rest is history.
May we all be inspired to take action on the lessons of our labyrinth walks!
My mother was a wonderful seamstress and, as a young woman, I had no interest and maybe even a little contempt for her stitchery. Then I saw Judy Chicaho’s Dinner Party and it was as if the scales fell from my eyes. These courageous woman were speaking and acting the thrust of women’s lives and the beauty of the settings — the simple stitching, the embroidery, needlework of all sorts — made me see the stitchery as creating the fabric of women’s lives. And what a wonderful celebration of our lives it created! You are certainly stitching with Ariadne’s thread, Kimberly. And leading and guiding us onward. Thank you.
I am so moved by this post. I am sitting here with an up-welling of emotions and I am so grateful to know you and see your talents emerge in this way. Thank you for these words and these threads of Ariadne to guide us all to follow our hearts and our passion. Well done Kimberly. And congratulations on your acceptance into this amazing collaborative project!