Ariadne is back! To follow my labyrinth adventures, please visit me at Ariadne’s Thread where my posts will be primarily labyrinth-related. Walking in the World will continue with its eclectic nature, with labyrinths merely appearing amongst my other daily meanderings, both here in England and farther afield.
I’ve been playing with ideas for my blogs for months, and dividing my posts like this seems to be the best way forward. Each blog has its separate email notifications, so if you’re interested in both, please sign up on both sites. Both sites will evolving as I try out my new ideas. I will try to post several times a week across the two sites – neither will be on a daily basis, but hopefully there will continue to be a fair offering of beautiful photos and interesting stories.
I love having you share my journey. As most bloggers will admit, I find myself carrying my blog and its readers with me wherever I go, and I “talk” to you in my about far more than ever makes it to the page. Your comments and support not only encourage me onwards, but deepen my experience of Life itself.
(My series on the 2016 Saffron Walden Maze Festival will continue over on Ariadnes Thread. Hope to see you there!)