Blankets and Birthdays


Sometimes life throws curve balls. I am working on some unique ways of marking and celebrating my upcoming 60th birthday; it has felt like a special birthday not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of my evolvong sense of who I have become and the mark I want to make on the world in the years I have left to me. One of my projects is a cocheted stripey blanket in vivid autumn colours, one that makes my heart sing every time I see it. Although I am working on a blanket legacy for each of my children and grandchildren, this blanket was for me, from the very beginning – I wanted it to remind me of the colour I want to channel into the world as I age.


Much as I love the blanket and was looking forward to wrapping up in it on chilly winter evening,  I didn’t plan to inaugurate it quite so soon. Disaster struck Wednesday evening, curtailing both my walks and blogging for a few days. I’m ill, and walking from the car park to the doctor’s surgery is as much as I’ve managed. Such is life. My walks will resume soon, and in the meantime, blessings on your own walks in the world. I look forward to hearing about them!