Tribal Voice 2

My original post was hacked but they can’t silence me! My wonderful web host has determined that there is no malware anywhere on my site and helped me tighten my security. Apologies to those who are receiving this post by email for a second time.


This pretty much sums up how I’m feeling today, 24 hours after The March.

I will admit it wasn’t an easy thing for me to do; I’m an introvert and usually try to avoid crowds at all costs. But there comes a time when it is necessary to put aside personal comfort and preference and dive into the world. That day was yesterday. And something pretty amazing happened, personally as well as collectively. I found my tribe.

I have community all around me in my daily life, both in my local village and online, so it’s not just that. Yesterday I belonged. I blended in with a larger whole, without ever losing my own identity or voice. Most of you would never suspect how often I feel like I don’t quite fit in, don’t quite belong, how I’m never sure if who I am is enough. Yesterday, marching through London amongst that great sea of humanity, I came home to roost within my own being.


Today, as I consider how best to move forward after the exhilaration of yesterday, I have a new freedom, a freedom to speak what I feel from where I am right now. Oh, believe me, there were people who were more protest-savvy than me, people who were wittier and more articulate than I will ever be. But no one else can speak for me, no one else comes from quite my experience or perspective. My voice is my own, and it can sing in concert with the vast sea of people who are working to make the world a better place.

Photo credit: Emma Lynne Anderson

This morning I wrote letters to the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, things I’ve never done before. And then I compiled a list of Trump affiliated businesses to boycott. Starting out as I mean to go on!

(Not all the photos on this post are mine. There are so many going around on social media, that I grabbed a few without knowing who to credit. Thank you to the many marchers who shared their images and enthusiasm!)