Travel Day

We covered many miles yesterday, driving around London on the M25 to the new and improved Heathrow Terminal 2 (wow, I still can’t believe we enjoyed our time at that airport!), then flying up to Stockholm. The only glitch in our day was that we essentially followed the storm that drenched us in England yesterday, so we arrived in pouring rain. As it was an afternoon of meetings and tour preparations, we were inside the whole day, so the rain wasn’t really a problem.

Walking? I fell just short of my step goal just by traipsing the airports and doing the local errands. Not bad! Our room looks out into a bit of woodland, so I am hoping that today’s walk will at least feel a bit more rural.

Our Swedish Labyrinth Tour kicks off this evening with dinner in our suprpisingly lovely hotel restaurant. If last night’s meal is anything to go by (and why wouldn’t it be?), we should get off to a great start!