Travel Toes

I will be walking further afield in the coming weeks, starting tomorrow morning when we fly to southern Italy for a few days of labyrinth research and photography. I realize it’s going to be cold at this time of year, probably even snowy up in the mountains, so we’re prepared for whatever the weather gods send our way. I know I’m going to be wearing my sensible boots and warm woolly socks, but I’ll also share with you, my fellow walkers, that inside those boots walks a bit of vanity. My pilgrim toes have healed and as of yesterday I’m sporting a fresh pedicure with brightly painted toenails. Tucked inside my boots, my holiday toes may be my little secret, but they sure do make me smile!


Today’s walk was boring and errand-oriented as we dashed around under leaden skies doing all those last minute things that always need doing, all the while dodging snowflakes and hail. Nice to know that my feet are bright and secretly travel-ready!