
We have arrived in Chartres. Our last day of walking was 17 miles through fields and forests, often following the River Eure as it wends through the countryside.

Those of you who know the story of my knee injury and long rehab will appreciate that such a long walk was both daunting and astonishing for me. I have been praying to St Roche (patron saint of knees) for many months, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to see him waiting with his hound on the door of the church in St Piat. I had gratitude – and devotion – to offer.

Little Free Library decorated with a scallop shell:

When you need a baguette and you’re far from the shops – a baguette vending machine:

Peaceful animals and beautiful skies:

Another sighting – the spires are closer but still far away:

At this point we wonder if anything would be better than walking…

Another medieval laundry on the river

And finally we we’re almost there, the spires so much closer than they were in earlier sightings. 104 steps to climb before could turn the corner and approach the North Porch:

We’ve made it!

The cathedral at night: Sons et Lumieres