I will never forget yesterday. I had thought my post for the day would be titled some thing like Into the Forest and that I would show you beautiful photos like these:

The morning air was cool and comfortable as we started out and autumn leaves were drifting down on us. But the day soon took an unexpected turn and brought me face to face with a Camino Angel. A fellow pilgrim was taken ill as we walked through the forest and I turned around to help her get back to a main road, and on to where she could recuperate.
It was raining by then and once we reached the road, I tried to call for a taxi that could come pick us up – but there was no one around that early on a Sunday morning. And no bus. Or train. I started to feel scared… so I did the only thing I could, I prayed. I found a rock for my friend to perch on and when I spotted a man standing walking his dog, I chased him down – my pink polka dot poncho and backpack. To his credit, he stopped and we managed to communicate. He indicated that I should follow him into the village that was around the corner and he went into the shop which was closed but had the shopkeeper present. They both made calls, but no public transport or taxis could be found. My dog-walking Camino Angel looked at me with real concern and asked me if we would come in his car. I felt totally safe saying yes. When he returned with his car ten minutes later, he brought his young son, clearly to put us at ease, bottles of cold water, and a bag of madeleines (cakes in the shape of scallop shells). He then drove us 10 miles down the road and dropped us at the door of the hotel we were heading to.
It was a day of challenge and blessings that ended well.