I’ve been home from Spain for nearly four months now, but the Camino Inglés continues to echo in my soul. Pilgrimage unfolding is a magical process that is as energetic and psycological as it is physical. My gear is packed away and my body has recovered – no lost toenails this time! My life has changed to make room for ongoing Camino conviviality; I have started volunteering for CSJ-UK (the Confraternity of Saint James UK), and am loving every event I attend, meeting new friends, and stirring my own dreams.
Like so many returned pilgrims, I’ve been writing. Looking through the plethora of Camino memoirs available these days, it’s clear that I am not the only one who processes experience by writing about it. I’m not necessarily looking to publish it for widespread distribution, but I wanted to capture the immediacy of my walk by making it available and searchable as a guide to others who may be approaching their own caminos with concerns similar to mine, or who might simply want to read my experiences, tips, and takeaways.
I have created a new tab at the top of this site to contain this article and I will eventually post various of my writings about pilgrimage (including but not limited to the Camino de Santiago), pilgrim iconography (which absolutely fascinates me with its prevalence and diversity), and other resources that I want to record, remember, and promote. I feel like I am following my own star with this article, but I hope it will also be interesting and helpful to others.