As an American expat who has been living in England for the past twenty-five years, I struggle with holidays. I miss my American family even “Black Boots and Peach Bellinis”
Author: Kimberly Saward
My last post celebrated what would have been my mother’s 101st birthday. Today would have been my father’s birthday, also his 101st. My father was “Arden”
Today would have been my mother’s 101st birthday. That seems impossible – she was only 56 when she died. I had just turned 25, so “Rowena”
Sparkles & Glimmers: seeking magic
I have a secret. It’s a secret little something that I do when I’m tired or overwhelmed or just need a boost to keep me “Sparkles & Glimmers: seeking magic”
Writing Playgrounds
Dear Readers, I am writing again and I am loving it! In some ways I am happier and feel more at home with myself than “Writing Playgrounds”
Branching Out
I know I said I’m downsizing – I still am. And yet today I took a step out of my comfort zone by expanding my “Branching Out”
Special Delivery
Early yesterday morning (or late the night before, depending on what time zone you’re in), I stepped across an important threshold: I became a great-grandmother. “Special Delivery”
Feeling Loved
Posting for the first time after such a long and silent absence was quite an experience. Undoubtedly the best part was hearing from so many “Feeling Loved”
Time Moved On
The Crone is stirring in my soul and for the first time in my life I’m saying parapets be damned! I’ll admit it is a bit uncomfortable but it’s also quite fun. And empowering.
No pilgrimage is complete without a return. I’ve been home for over a week now, and I’m still searching for what to say about the “Return!”