Time Moved On

The Crone is stirring in my soul and for the first time in my life I’m saying parapets be damned! I’ll admit it is a bit uncomfortable but it’s also quite fun. And empowering.

Reimagining Ariadne

I have come to believe that Ariadne is about more than just the hero and the labyrinth. She was – and is – an incredible woman who demonstrated her resiliency by reinventing her life as needed to keep up with her circumstances. Never forget that she saved more people than just Theseus!


My days, at the moment, are filled with walks and maps and thoughts of intention and life-purpose. I am making a pilgrimage, walking from Paris to Chartres with a dear friend, as a way of preparing for my approaching 60th birthday.

Weaving our Webs

The world wide web becomes a personal web of our own making, connecting us to each other in ways that count, both large and small. Even when I start to feel overwhelmed by the speed at which the world seems to move these days, I enjoy the community that is mine at the touch of a button, the stroke of a key. My world is a better place for my connecting to my social media friends, and I am a happier person because of their presence in my life.