Day Four

Our walk this morning was one of our shorter ones, 10.2 km winding up from the coast, then along the river before heading up into the loveliest eucalyptus groves – oh, how I wish I could share that smell along with my words and pictures!

I am loving our little encounters along the way, strangers wishing us a Buen Camino, some even stopping to chat for a moment. I am glad I know a few words of Spanish and that I’m brave enough to try them.

This is Fletcher and his señor, who has a granddaughter in California… He gave us encouragement and information about the path ahead.

Arriving in Betanzos, we were welcomed by shells and images of this pilgrimage. Tomorrow will be our longest and steepest day.

We had time (and energy) to do some exploring once we checked in to our hotel. We started at the Parque do Pasatempo where we went in search of this classical hedge labyrinth:

Probably constructed in the last decade, it is part of an old amusement park donated in the 18th century as a space for learning where culture could be accessible to everyone.

And then we climbed back up to the churches whose steeples we could see in the center of town, visiting those that were open. There is both history and hospitality here.